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Use Builder

Ghostly Senna

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Hero Hex Core
Carry Champion

Hero Hex Core

Priority Hex Core


Alternative Hex Core


Carry Champion


In this version 14.6b,Ghostly suddenly emerged as one of the hottest cards in the current meta and there are many variations of it. Regarding the mechanism of this clan, when dealing or receiving damage 6 times, the champion The Ghost summons 2 ghosts that curse nearby enemies and restore 2% of their maximum health every 2 seconds. The cursed champion takes additional damage for each lingering ghost, and the ghost is transmitted when they die in battle.

(2) 5% for each ghost

(4) 12% for each ghost

(6) 20% for each ghost

(8) 35% per ghost

To basically explain, this formation puts extremely strong damage on a single target and when the enemy is destroyed, that amount of ghosts is transferred to another enemy, this makes Ghostly clear the floor extremely quickly. The difference compared to other formations is that when we take a certain amount of time to destroy the enemy, in the same amount of time Ghostly can destroy 3 or more. In this lineup, it will be a ghostly reroll, but the main carry will be Senna because of her super large amount of damage and the ability to buff physical damage very well: Senna shoots a laser beam that penetrates the current target 2 cells, Deals physical damage to enemies hit. Grants Attack Power to Senna and allies on the left and right for 4 seconds. With this amount of damage and this passive, it has created an extremely prestigious ad wave in the Ghostly reroll squad this time


_It's a reroll card so the mid game is extremely strong and the accompanying races are also extremely annoying to support this game.

_Currently one of the top cards in the current meta

_Can flex to pure Ghostly carry with Morgana and Kayn


_Because it is the top card in the meta, there will be many people playing it in the same match

_Need to keep good eco money health because quite a lot of generals need to be 3 stars

_There must be many reasonable ad damage items so that senna can fully utilize the strength of this squad

How to play

Note: There are not too many things to note as this is just a variation of Ghostly, so when you have many pieces of bows, swords, gloves or early senna, you can consider playing this formation. And you should not use the Haunted House core because this is a quick way to clear the floor, so consider choosing other combat cores that will be better.

Early game: There are quite a few card forms that can def health in the early game for us, but the most optimal form we will use is the form including Senna Caitlyn Aatrox Jax, so we will be able to stimulate 3 clans including Ghostly. Wear Sniper Photo. This is the foundation of this squad because in the following levels we will also aim for higher Ghostly milestones of 4 and 6. The tanks of this squad can be put into Aatrox or Shen, any general 3 Star first will put items on that champion. Sometimes when we have Illaoi early, we can completely use the 4 Ghostly mark early to deff. Because the first part of the team is not too strong when the damage behind does not have a 3-star main force or the tank is not too strong to have a ghost accumulation, we can consider playing a losing streak to pick up pieces of bows, swords, gloves, and complete many damage items. for Senna as soon as possible. Senna can use any damage ad item, so don't be too picky and optimize your items early to keep your health at this stage. One special thing is that there are a few items that are extremely suitable for Ghosts such as: Runaan's Rage for Senna or Lightning Crossbow, Statikk Electric Knife because the damage from these ghosts is magic damage. In this first phase, the two most important things are Senna's items and income, so don't hesitate to play a losing streak.

Mid-game: This is the most important stage for rerolls because we will spend money here to have form and at the same time eco money to slow roll to gold plate the team. And the most important stage of this squad is 3.2, we will get to 6 here and start the process of updating the squad. We will roll for a form at level 6, the squad includes Senna Caitlyn Aatrox Jax Shen Illaoi and add 4 Ghostly milestones

We will roll until we have about 20 coins left or until we have Senna 2 and a tank with 2 stars like Shen or Aatrox. Pay attention to arranging your cards so that the two damage generals behind can finish off the target as quickly as possible so that you can start releasing ghosts as soon as possible and begin the process of clearing the opponent's floor. This squad is inherently strong because of many factors when we have an additional %damage from Mac Anh, then an additional %damage from U Linh, then a passive increase in attack power from Senna and then an additional %damage from distance. sniper, so this accidentally causes a 1-cost, 2-star general like Caitlyn to deal an extremely virtual amount of damage. If Caitlyn comes out a lot, we can roll this champion to 3 stars because this is also an extremely high-quality source of damage. We put the extra physical damage items on Caitlyn or later on Kayn, but Kayn should hold items like Colossal Power, Blood Sword and Dark Cloak because he is a short-armed carry champion so he needs items like that to can sweep in combat and at the same time be able to last longer; If there are leftover AP items, the person holding them will be Morgana. Sometimes we need to proactively get Morello's Demon Book or Red Talisman for Morgana because the damage and wide range of moves will help us burn almost all the blood. enemy team lineup, add a mana item like Blue Talisman, Shojin Spear so she can create many moves or a more powerful magic item like Angel's Scepter depending on each match; As for the extra tank items, in addition to Shen and Aatrox, we will let Illaoi hold them. Because this is a hot meta card, it is not easy to play alone and there will be many cottages, what we need to do is check If there are many players, we will proactively level up and switch to other forms like the basic 6 Ghostly form with Morgana and Kayn as the main carry. After having the form and the generals mentioned above reach 2 stars, we will save money and start slow rolling the squad to 3 stars including Senna and Aatrox/Shen or we can roll another 3 star Caitlyn. This is an extremely important stage because for players with a losing streak, we should arrange our cards carefully and try to get ourselves a long winning streak because we sold blood in the early stages of the game. There is another direction we will play where we will still use Senna but only need this girl to get 2 stars and then start gradually upgrading to later levels.

Late game: When at level 8, 9, 10, we will upgrade to 6 Ghostly and add 5-cost generals. We will have a few options as follows:

_With the pure Senna fighting style, we will use Kayn and Morgana to get 6 Ghosts and slow roll these 2 generals to 2 at level 8. For Kayn, it will be Giant Power Blood Sword Dark Cloak Attacking Hand Ly,... and for Morgana it will be the Blue Talisman, Shojin Spear, Morello Devil's Book, Angel's Scepter, Gemstone Gloves,... as mentioned above.

_ Another case is the 2-star fast 9 Senna, we will use Udyr to replace Jax's position and add 2 other super versatile 5-cost generals: Lissandra and Wukong. With Lissandra, she has the ability to soak the target in a teapot, causing huge AP damage and has a chance of dropping additional pieces of items, money, or throwing the teapot directly into the most crowded area and causing another amount of AP. As for Wukong, when using the whole squad, you will have 12% more attack speed thanks to the celestial system, this helps the squad accumulate more ghosts as well as clear the enemy floor faster; In addition, Wukong also has a set of skills: Dash, single-target stun and the ability to deal physical damage in a straight line of 3 cells with the iron board, along with 2 Kayn to create an extremely annoying upline carry duo. Wukong's items are the same as Kayn's and Lissandra's are the same as Morgana's. If you don't have too many items to put on this duo, you can use thief gloves.

_ In addition, we can add other multi-purpose 5-cost chess pieces such as: Sett with the ability to knock the current target, stun and deal a huge amount of physical damage based on maximum health; With Hwei, the ability to damage a wide area and also be able to duplicate champions helps us upgrade the team more easily; As for Rakan, after surfing, reducing the enemy team's armor and buffing his own shield, outside there is Xayah standing and shooting secondary damage, causing physical damage to all enemies hit by Rakan's skills.


_With a reroll, the upgrades we prioritize will be the upgrades on the mirror machine or rolls such as: Two For One Infinite Dice I Replenishment of Forces Superhero Item Bag Building a Combat Zone Squad Translate Diamond Ticket Silver Ticket or if you are in an emergency situation, you can absolutely take the Hellfire Deal to be able to have a large amount of gold-plated economic rolls for your team, but I do not recommend taking this core.

_Currently with the addition of surprises, in a match, in addition to having a lot of gold, there will be a lot more items, so we should also add more core items and this Bard squad needs to draw pretty good items. so we also need to add Pandora's Box cores, Large Storage Bag, Magic Bow, Wand, Buried Treasure, Treasure, ....

_ Regarding combat cores, this squad has a few pretty good cores: Small But Has Fly Class Arena Martial Arts will buff a large amount of attack speed for the carry; Fighting Together I The Gift of the Dead will also make the squad more powerful; or the Ghostly seals will be quite delicious if we get to the mark of 8 Ghostly.


_ Since this is a 3-money reroll, encounters that give us free rolls or clones will be extremely appropriate:

  • Neeko : Adds a small cloner or a cloner to all champions in the market round
  • Udyr : Gives players four free returns forever
  • Yorick: Reduces store exchange price from two to 1 for the next three rounds or permanently
  • Volibear: The market round will be full of Ba Vang
  • Jax : Gives players a choice between turn gold and champions
  • Illaoi : Gives players eight free redemptions this round
  • Darius: Transforms a champion standing in a special box on the field into another champion of the same value for 5 rounds /Gives players a choice between 20 experience and 10 free returns
  • Cho'Gath : Gives the player two small clones and one clone.
  • Caitlyn : Gives players four free redemptions during the round
  • Amumu: The shopping circle is now full of three-money and two-star generals
  • Azir : Get six free redemptions forever

_ A few other encounters are also quite suitable for this squad:

  • Garen: In the next three rounds, all purchased champions will receive 100 health permanently
  • Teemo: Added Gold Shovel to all champions in the shopping round / Gives players one more turn to exchange for tech cores
  • Tristana : Gives the player a gift of gold
  • Zoe: Changing reality only occurs at odd levels in the game
  • Irelia: The player's shop will appear with champions of each price in the next two rounds